Workforce Management Suite The Beauty of Self-Service

Workforce Management Suite The Beauty of Self-Service

If you are too young to remember the days before pay-at-the-pump gas stations, online banking, and airport check-in kiosks, you probably can’t fully appreciate the merits of self-service. Self-service Workforce Management can make life easier and more productive at your organization, as well.

Payroll Partners’ Workforce Management Suite has the convenient tools to empower your team members with self-service time card management, remote punch in/out, PTO accrual reports, and automated schedule change requests. Your supervisors will appreciate the automation of schedule creation and management, shift change approvals, PTO tracking, employee notifications, time and attendance management, and customized employee overtime alerts.

Why spend more time and money managing your workforce than necessary? You hire smart, capable people—it makes perfect sense to let them handle every possible Workforce Management task. Your employees will appreciate the convenience, improved efficiency, and reduced confusion of Employee Self-Service (ESS).

Workforce Management Suite is an advanced, cloud-based scheduling solution that eliminates over staffing, helps alleviate overtime, and quickly identifies coverage gaps.

When processes are converted to a self-service model and coordinated among employees, it increases employee morale dramatically.

Workforce Management Suite is available at Payroll Partners. Call us at (817) 226-8111 to schedule a demo.


Payroll Partners offers Workforce Management Suite, the powerful, fully-integrated Workforce Management Suite that makes it easy to optimize the performance of your managers, employees, and business.

Workforce Management Suite includes TimeWorksPlus, TimeSimplicity, and TimeWorks Mobile. Workforce Management Suite is designed for busy employers like you who need to streamline scheduling, automate time and attendance tracking, maintain regulatory compliance, and decrease labor costs.

How much can you save? Check our Payroll Partners ROI Calculator.

We can get you up and running with Workforce Management Suite in minutes. Contact us today to set up a demo.