Author: Robert Hernandez

If your business has only one location, you need to worry about federal law and applicable state and local laws for only that single location. But if you're operating out of multiple states, you must heed federal law plus the rules for all the different...

Welcome to the Payroll Partners blog. Today's post addresses restaurant scheduling best practices. We have helped many restaurant owners improve and simplify their employee scheduling with TimeSimplicity, the leading scheduling system for the hospitality industry. Extend Your Scheduling Forecast   If you make schedules available two weeks or...

We’ve seen a lot of employee turnover lately. Do you have any tips for increasing retention? Employee retention is one of the most difficult and expensive challenges faced by business owners, managers, and HR departments. Fortunately, the keys to retention are simple and straightforward, though certainly...

Time Card Approvals is a feature that allows an employee, supervisor, and/or manager to mark time cards electronically prior to payroll. This can eliminate the cost of printing and storing signed time cards while still ensuring the approval process takes place. This article explains how...

The allowance must be officially designated in advance by the church. The designation should be stated in writing, preferably by resolution of the governing body and/or in an employment contract. In addition, the designation should be recorded in the church budget and payroll records. If the only reference...

First, the good news. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) generally doesn't cover your employees' home offices. The Department of Labor (DOL) states that home-based workplaces aren't explicitly excluded by OSHA, but the law doesn't hold employers responsible for home offices and won't conduct inspections. An...

Today we want to discuss our Time & Labor Management Suite: WorkforceHUB and how it can contribute to the overall success of your business. No matter what industry you are in, you are looking for ways to be more profitable. We are excited about our Time &...

When Steve Dawson first started working with churches more than two decades ago, much of the accounting work was still being done by hand. Churches were just starting to use computers for spreadsheets and bookkeeping software. Not everyone was convinced that was a good idea, said...