Best Time Tracking Solution to Replace a Punch Card System?
Old-fashioned punch card systems have been a workplace mainstay for over one hundred years. But there are better employee timekeeping options today. What’s the...
Old-fashioned punch card systems have been a workplace mainstay for over one hundred years. But there are better employee timekeeping options today. What’s the...
If you discover an employee has been falsifying their timecard, you should refer to your policies and past practice. Hopefully, you have a...
Starting a business can be very rewarding. It can also be a little overwhelming. From business plans to market strategies, and even tax...
Clergy couples are limited to the equivalent of one housing allowance between the two incomes, providing they live in the same location. In this...
The Federal Equal Pay Act (EPA) has been on the books for almost a half a century. President Kennedy signed the legislation in...
Business success depends on many factors. You have to provide a product or service that customers will pay for. Your products need to...
An employee quit after training and orientation, but before starting their actual job. Do we have to pay them? Yes, this former employee must...
The Internal Revenue Service today urged taxpayers to resolve their significant tax debts to avoid putting their passports in jeopardy. They should contact...
Some states exempt parsonages from property taxes which can either be homes owned by churches and occupied by clergy who serve a local...
Paid time off (PTO) policies aren't new. The basic concept is to allot employees a fixed number of days into a PTO "bank"...