TimeworksPlus FAQ: What do the different colors on the timecard and Summary Report mean?

TimeworksPlus FAQ: What do the different colors on the timecard and Summary Report mean?

Through color coding and bold fonts, you can quickly know something about the punch or report data you are looking at on timecards and the Summary Report in TimeWorksPlus and TimeWorks.

Punch Time Colors

When viewing a timecard:

  • Black – Normal, ‘untouched’ punch. The punch is unaltered and represents the actual time an employee made their punch at the clock.
  • Blue – Edited Punch. Blue punches have been edited (added/changed) by someone that has rights to edit timecards.
  • Green – Rounded Punch. This punch has been rounded due to a rounding rule (script).
  • Green (in bold) – In TimeWorksPlus only a bold, green punch time means the punch has been edited and rounded.

Employee Name Colors

The color of an employee’s name in the Clock Activity list means the following:

  • Black – No activity during the selected date range / pay period
  • Blue – Activity on the timecard during the selected date range / pay period
  • Red – One or more missing punches during the selected date range / pay period

Punch Category Color

In TimeWorks only, the category colors stand for:

  • Black = These categories hours do not promote to overtime.
  • Blue = These categories hours promote to overtime.

Pay Color in Summary Report

There are four colors used in the Summary Report: black, red, green and blue.

Black = Normal payrates (i.e. Regular, Vacation, Sick Leave, Overtime, etc.)

Red = Happens when the payrate is $0.00 (i.e. keeping track of salaried employees hours.)

Green = When there is more than one payrate present for that period (i.e. Holiday Pay, Payrates for different departments.)

Blue = When a punch is manually edited on the timecard

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