Security Tag

Here’s a new nightmare for your employees: They wait for payday to make their personal payments only to find their funds are missing from their bank account. The head of your payroll department reminds your employee of the email s/he sent instructing her to change...

Small businesses are a popular target of cyber criminals. Thousands of attacks happen every day, successful ones can cost organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars, and over half of small businesses soon close following a successful cyberattack. Fortunately, there are effective measures you can take to...

At Payroll Partners, our clients' data security and privacy is of utmost importance to us. We're always monitoring trends in cyber security and fraudulent activity in order to prevent future attacks to our clients. With this in mind, we want to inform you there's been a...

  Identity theft is a growing crime in this country and the liability risk of employers is increasing along with it. The reason is all the sensitive personal information collected from employees, job applicants, customers, independent contractors, business partners, patients and others. The Federal Trade Commission reports...

The media spotlight is on students at colleges and universities illegally downloading copyrighted music files, using college and university computers. The music recording industry is going after colleges and universities with legal actions, hoping to stem the growing tide of illegal downloading of music files. But...

We have all said it at one point – "It won't happen to me".  Truthfully, any time we use the computer and internet, there is the potential risk of getting hacked or procuring a virus. It can happen to anyone, and the stakes are high...