Evolution Payroll – Check Finder At a Glance

Evolution Payroll – Check Finder At a Glance

You can use the Check Finder to locate a specific check and check stub information for an employee.

The Check Finder returns a grid listing of any checks that match the criteria you entered above in the Results grid in the section below, showing the following information:

  • Check Date
  • Check Number
  • Run Number
  • Gross
  • Employee ID (EE ID)
  • Net
  • Employee Name
  • Status


You can save a PDF of the Check preview results.

To Use the Check Finder


After displaying the Check Finder from the Payrolls menu bar shortcut button, enter as many search criteria fields as you can to narrow the search and click Find. The search fields are described below.

You can search by:

  • Check #

Enter the check number, if known, or

  • EE Code – Name

Select the Employee Code / Name from the dropdown, if known.

  • Within this check date range

Use the calendar buttons to specify a begin- and end-date processed check range.

  • With Status of

Select a check status (Cleared, Returned, Void, etc.)

To Display the Check Finder

On the Payrolls menu bar item, click on the magnifying glass shortcut button to open the Check Finder.

Result: The Check Finder tool opens.

Note: The user must have the proper security permissions set in Evolution Classic in order to be able to display the Check Finder.

To Preview a Check


To preview a check, select (highlight) a single line/check in the Results grid and click the Check Preview tab on the right side of the screen to fly out the Preview panel.

Result: The Check Preview panel flys out.

The Check Preview panel displays the following summary information for the selected check:

  • Earnings
  • Deductions (Federal/State/Local)
  • Taxes Subtotal
  • Gross Amount
  • Net Amount


Additional company information displays below the Check Preview →:

Check Preview Panel


If the system finds multiple checks, you can quickly navigate between checks in Check Preview mode by clicking on the check date of the check you want to display in the Check Datecolumn to the left of the Check Preview section. The details of the selected check then display on the right side.

Click the Save icon at the upper right to download and save a PDF of the check preview results.

Click Check Preview → at the upper left to hide the Check Preview pane.


As always, we are here to walk you through this or any other process that you need help with. You can reach out to us toll free at (866) 757-8111 Monday-Thursday from 8:00AM-5:00PM and Fridays 8:00AM-4:30PM Central Standard Time.
