HR Tag

As of February 6, 2024, Texas will prohibit employers of all sizes from adopting or enforcing a policy that requires applicants or employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Additionally, employers can’t take any adverse action against an employee or applicant for their refusal to be vaccinated...

Navigating the intricacies of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) can be a daunting task for business owners, particularly when it comes to understanding whether your company falls under ACA’s purview. A key factor in determining ACA compliance is the employee count. This article aims to simplify...

Did you know you may still be able to verify I-9 documents remotely? But, you’ll need to use the new procedure. Learn more about it in this article. As we reported earlier, there’s a new I-9 form, and you should be using it for all new...

HR and compliance are complicated—but they don’t have to be. Thanks to HR On Demand, by Mineral®, we’ve made it our mission to take the guesswork out of HR and compliance so you can manage workplace challenges with confidence. From expert guidance and resources to...

Effective onboarding is crucial for both employees and organizations. It sets the stage for a successful employment journey and helps new hires become productive team members quickly. Traditional onboarding processes can be cumbersome and time-consuming, but with the advent of Employee Self-Onboarding Software, companies now...

In today's rapidly evolving world, learning is a continuous journey. Whether you're a student, a professional, or an organization, the need for effective and efficient learning tools has never been greater. Learning Management Systems (LMS) have emerged as a transformative solution, revolutionizing the way we...

Question:  We’d like to cater lunch for employees. Do we need to ask them about food allergies? Answer:  No. However, employees who do have food allergies or restrictions would likely appreciate it if you made sure that they also get to partake of the free food....