Human Resources Tag

You can lessen the risk employees will find reasons to seek a wrongful discharge action against your business or organization. Here are seven steps to consider taking: 1. Include employment at-will statements on job applications and in employee handbooks. One such statement follows: "In consideration of my employment,...

Despite the name, Human Resources software hasn’t typically focused on the human. For decades, systems have been designed to offer organizational efficiency over employee convenience or ease-of-use. But business owners don’t need to choose one over the other anymore. WorkforceHUB simplifies Human Resources for employees, supervisors, and admin...

Yes, an employee may submit a new W-4 anytime they have changes. Often, they’ll submit a new form when they know they’ll be changing exemptions, adjustments, deductions, or credits on their return. For example, an employee may want to increase their withholding by decreasing the number...

Most distraction-busters require action by employees themselves. But consider this: Are you or the supervisors on your staff part of the problem? Employees typically will drop what they're doing if they hear from the boss, whether it's in the form of an email, phone call,...

Some managers have been continually talking about politics in the office, not taking into consideration anyone else's political backgrounds and beliefs. It gets offensive at times, but employees are afraid to say anything. Any advice on how this can be handled? In general, a private employer...

If your employees regularly receive tips, it is important to comply with the withholding requirements and pay your company's fair share of employment taxes. Expensive penalties can be assessed on both employers and employees if the tip reporting rules are not followed. Here's a brief summary...

"I was thrown into the job with no training. I asked for some one-on-one time with my manager to go over the project inside out, but he never had the time. I sensed he didn't really know enough to be able to thoroughly brief me anyway. When...