Author: Margie Reed

Question: We would like to add a working interview to our selection process. Is this permitted and are there other options to help us finalize our selection? Answered by the HR Experts: Yes, you can have a working interview as part of your selection process, but...

Question: We have an employee working through their lunch break. Can we require them to take it? Answer: Yes, generally you can and should require an employee to take a lunch break. In many states, employers are required to provide employees with rest breaks, meal breaks,...

It's important for businesses to have a clear and consistent payment schedule to ensure fairness and adherence to labor laws and employee expectations. Lack of structure around paychecks could throw off budgeting and financial planning processes or put a business at risk of legal issues...

New rules, issued in early 2023, change a wide range of filing requirements. The goal, according to the IRS, is to increase e-filing without undue hardship on taxpayers. Perhaps the biggest change is that the IRS has reduced the 250-return threshold enacted in prior regulations to...