Author: Margie Reed

The hybrid work model is exploding in popularity. Businesses recognize that flexible work is here to stay and top talent expects it. Hybrid work is a blended model that consists of some employees who work 100% remotely, others who work in an office, and the majority...

As someone who has been burned out, I know it’s not a question of if your staff is experiencing burnout, but how many of them are already burnt out. Most people have no clue. I know I didn’t. It’s not that we are clueless. We think...

Small business compliance has never been more complex. This blog will introduce you to the leading challenges and solutions that will help you to stay on the right side of the law. It’s important to understand regulations and create compliant processes. This way, you protect...

A 2021 survey by the consulting agency beqom found that 80% of U.S. workers expect their employers to let them work remotely multiple days per week. Most respondents, 65%, also said they would accept a pay cut to work remotely. Additionally, a 2021 survey by PayScale...

Once you have at least one person working for your business, you're an employer. Being an employer comes with a wide range of responsibilities, including withholding, depositing and paying employment taxes. How can you make sure you're fulfilling all your tax duties to avoid getting...

Question: An employee in a job that regularly requires lifting 50 pounds now says they can only regularly lift 25 because of an off-the-job injury. Can we terminate? Answer: Possibly, but proceed with caution. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers that have 15 or...

If you work for a nonprofit that's funded by grants or donations, you need to keep iron-clad records in order to account for every penny if you're ever audited. However, that doesn't mean you need to retain all your files forever. Nobody's got the storage...

There’s Never Been More Mobile Employees   Millions of small businesses rely on mobile employees. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the number of mobile workers in the U.S. will reach 93.5 million by 2024 and will account for 60% of the total workforce. It’s no...

Donning and doffing is the practice of employees changing into (donning) and out of (doffing) work attire such as uniforms, protective gear or equipment. Employees who may have to don and doff during a shift include: Police officers. Nurses. Firefighters. Security guards. Welders. Drilling workers. ...

General Information When you hire an employee, you must have the employee complete a Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate. Form W-4 tells you, as the employer, the employee's filing status, multiple jobs adjustments, amount of credits, amount of other income, amount of deductions, and any additional amount...