Author: Margie Reed

To determine the appropriate salary for your new hires and employees, start by setting a range for how much an employee in each position should be paid. The salary range can be based on your expectations and the amount of past work experience that you...

There really isn’t a strict definition of what constitutes job abandonment. Many employers use the standard of three consecutive absences with no notice, but you can set the standard for your organization. To keep everyone on the same page, we recommend defining job abandonment in your...

These are examples of sources of income that are non-taxable: Qualified love gifts (person-to-person and within limits) Cannot be solicited Must be spontaneous in nature Must be clearly ascertainable as a gift with no service attached Cannot qualify as a tax donation for the donor Are motivated out of affection of...

Generally not. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) grants all non-supervisory employees (not just those in unions) the right to organize and engage in “concerted activity” for the purpose of mutual aid or protection. Concerted means “in concert,” meaning more than one employee is involved....

Even though organizations like charities and foundations may be tax-exempt, the IRS still requires them to file certain information every year. For many of these exempt organizations, the deadline to file their 2021 information return is Monday, May 16, 2022. Here are the forms they may...

The reasons for talent shortages can get complex. Oftentimes, they stem from one or more of the following: Deficiencies in the organization's practices as they relate to employees, such as bad managers, pay inequity or overdemanding workloads. Employees leaving for personal reasons, such as health...

Many religious organizations have made fixed sum monthly payments to their minister or other staff for a “travel or professional allowance” and do not request an accounting for how the money was spent. Allowance plans are always taxable are reported on Form W-2. It is strongly...