Author: Margie Reed

Email scammers are defrauding companies by targeting Human Resources. As a business services provider, you can help your clients protect their companies. Let’s talk about HR and payroll scams. The FBI calls this type of fraud business email compromise (BEC) or business email spoofing (BES). As a...

The work opportunity tax credit is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. This credit is available for wages paid to certain individuals who begin work on or before December...

Yes, as long as you’re not discriminating based on protected classes or characteristics, you can conduct reference checks for certain roles but not others. For example, you may decide that supervisory roles or positions with access to sensitive information warrant this additional step during the...

Springtime in the ministry world is all about getting ready for Easter, but now that Easter is over, we can all take a collective breath as we refocus our attention to the rest of 2022. If you haven’t already begun to jump into your spring cleaning,...

Title 1 of the ADA prohibits employers with 15 or more employees from discriminating against employees based on disability. Employers must also provide "reasonable accommodations" to the employees with disabilities — unless such accommodations would cause undue hardship. Reasonable accommodations are workplace changes that enable disabled...

To determine the appropriate salary for your new hires and employees, start by setting a range for how much an employee in each position should be paid. The salary range can be based on your expectations and the amount of past work experience that you...

There really isn’t a strict definition of what constitutes job abandonment. Many employers use the standard of three consecutive absences with no notice, but you can set the standard for your organization. To keep everyone on the same page, we recommend defining job abandonment in your...

These are examples of sources of income that are non-taxable: Qualified love gifts (person-to-person and within limits) Cannot be solicited Must be spontaneous in nature Must be clearly ascertainable as a gift with no service attached Cannot qualify as a tax donation for the donor Are motivated out of affection of...