Author: Robert Hernandez

One of our employees interviewed a candidate today and emailed me afterwards. He was impressed by the candidate, but grew concerned after the candidate mentioned having social anxiety. He wondered whether the anxiety could affect the candidate’s ability to do the job. I reminded the...

When disaster strikes, many business owners might find themselves needing to reconstruct records. This will help them prove a loss, which may be essential for tax purposes, getting federal assistance, or insurance reimbursement. Here are tips for businesses that need to reconstruct their records: To create...

Ready-to-use resolution language for church board to set a clergy housing allowance in 2019 by Richard R. Hammar.   Editor’s Note: A resolution can only be applied prospectively, never retroactively. For a church to have a resolution in place for a specific calendar year, it needs to...

Legal hassles can arise when you give references for former employees. These former employees might turn around and sue your organization for defamation. Here's a quick review of the ins and outs of giving references for former employees. First the facts: Defamation involves communicating false information. Defamation...

Let’s talk about PTO and remote working. Telecommuting continues to increase every year. How do you handle leave for remote workers? Follow these guidelines. Make your leave policy work for all of your employees—regardless of where they park their keyboard. First, let’s clarify what we’re talking about. How...

Many people enjoy hobbies that are also a source of income. From painting and pottery to scrapbooking and soap making, these activities can be sources of both fun and finances. Taxpayers who make money from a hobby must report that income on their tax return. However,...

For purposes of U.S. tax law, churches are considered to be public charities, also known as Section 501(c)(3) organizations. As such, they are generally exempt from federal, state, and local income and property taxes. “Exempt” means they don’t have to pay these taxes. This is so even though...

In every industry, employees are becoming more mobile. Cell phones, tablets, and smart watches make it easy to get work done anywhere. Internet-enabled devices are affordable and universal. Many people can't imagine life without them. Cloud-based software is replacing onsite applications. When business software is in the...