Author: Robert Hernandez

The 1099-NEC is used strictly for reporting independent contractor payments of $600 or more in the course of your trade or business. You will still be required to use the 1099-MISC for such items as royalties, rent, and healthcare payments. What’s old is new again -...

Payroll glitches frustrate your workers, create hassles for your HR team, and can cost you money in unnecessary overpayment or penalties for compliance violations. In the past five years, employers paid more than 1.2 billion in back wages due to payroll violations.  Today's post is for SMB owners who...

Reconstructing records after a disaster is important for several reasons including insurance reimbursement and taxes. Most importantly, records can help people prove their disaster-related losses. More accurately estimated losses can help people get more recovery assistance like loans or grants.  Whether it’s personal or business property...

Payroll and taxes are usually a confusing topic for businesses who can easily find themselves in trouble with the IRS if payroll taxes are not reported correctly. For churches and places of worship, payroll taxes can be especially tricky due to the dual-tax status of...

COVID-19 has triggered many brick-and-mortar entities to to either strengthen or create their online presence. This, in turn, has forced them to address sales tax complexities they didn't have to contend with when all sales were local.   Understanding Sales Tax Thresholds     The internet sales tax requirement is the...

We recently hired an older individual whose start date is next Monday, but I would like to push back their start date because we’ve just had an employee test positive for COVID-19. Would this be allowed? We will be testing everyone in the workplace, but...

Most churches often struggle with “employee classification” usually with their musicians, nursery workers, secretaries, custodians, etc.   Generally, the IRS looks at three areas: Behavioral Control, Financial Control, and Type of Relationship. In most cases, church musicians do not pass the test of being an independent contractor...

Compliance is the top reason employers cannot afford to compromise on timekeeping accuracy. Below we explore four aspects of timekeeping compliance.  1. Payment for All Hours Worked     The Fair Labor Standards Act requires covered employers to pay nonexempt employees for all hours worked. You must keep...

When it comes to time off for voting, state laws apply — for local and national elections. In some states, the law is so specific as to state the amount of time that workers must be allowed off to vote and whether time off needs...