Author: Robert Hernandez

For clients that seek a way to quickly edit punches for multiple employees on a single day, you can use the "Multi-Time Card Editor".   This TimeWorksPlus feature lets a user tab through many of the fields on the time card and make multiple edits without having...

More and more employers are using background checks as a regular part of the hiring process, and it's easy to understand why. When it comes to the need to protect your business, your workforce and your customers, the stakes are high. The Society for Human Resource...

Many business owners who have been penalized for labor law violations never realized they were noncompliant. But we all know that ignorance is no excuse. Here are common FLSA violations to avoid: 1. Misclassifying Employees   Any employer who fails to follow DOL rules regarding classification is risking...

We’re past the halfway point of the year, which means this is an optimal time to check up on pastoral housing allowances, whether you receive one or you set one or more for other qualifying ministers. Specifically, a mid-year review will help determine whether the allowance...

We all know that the cost of employee benefits is increasing. A "cafeteria plan" is one way to rein in those costs. Through this plan, employees can select from an array of benefits, a "cafeteria" offered by your company. Example: Suppose you are prepared to offer...

We have good reason to suspect an employee has been stealing from the register. How should we respond? It is recommended that you suspend the employee and conduct an internal investigation. You may also want to report the theft to law enforcement depending on the circumstances. An...

If your company is focused on generating higher profits, you may think it makes economic sense to do as much as possible in-house. But take a look at four smart reasons to outsource payroll: 1. Save time. Getting payroll calculated, processed and distributed takes countless hours. Computer...

For qualifying ministers, the housing allowance is an invaluable tax benefit—in fact, according to attorney and Church Law & Tax senior editor Richard Hammar, it’s “the most important tax benefit available to ministers.” In October 2017, however, a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled the ministerial housing...